Friday, April 10, 2009

Cereal Box Organizer

Sticker Organizer

To create this cute box, all you need is some stickers, a cereal box, scrapbook paper,ribbon, glue stick, and fabric glue.
1. First cut the flaps of the top of the box.
2. Cut paper to size of box.
3. Glue paper to box.
4. Add ribbon, stickers, and other embellishments.

New York City

Statue of Liberty

NYC Princess T-Shirt

Daddy's NYC T-Shirt

T-Shirt from NYC from Miss Cersovski
Today, my family received a gift box in the mail from Miss Cersovski. She recently returned from a trip to NYC. We were blessed to receive a DVD with pictures of NYC. Also, we were given gifts from NYC.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring Wreath

Spring wreath
Intertwineing flowers into wreath

Beautiful flowers


Recently, I purchased wreath making supplies at our local Dollar Store. This is a very inexpensive way to make different styles of wreath for the seasons. There are a lot of beautiful faux flowers to choose from and different sizes of wreaths. You will need a good pair of wire cutters to cut the flowers down to the right length, faux flowers, and a wreath. Here are some pictures showing you how to create a wreath. The wreath can be given away as a gift to the host/hostess who is having Easter dinner at their home, with a lovely thank you card.